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                Laizhou changlong chemical machinery co., LTD. - located in the land of longevity - shahe town.Our factory is one specialized is engaged in chemical equipment research, development, design and manufacturing company, has a group of high-level, high-quality professionals, used to adapt to the situation of the international advanced management methods. With strong technical strength, leading technology, excellent product quality and excellent after-sales service, we have won the trust and support of our customers at home and abroad. A leading postion in the same industry. Customers trust and satisfaction with high quality, high technology and quality after-sales service.

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                Three Advantages Make You More Competitive

                • 01

                  Stick to Technology Leading the Future and Grasp the Frontier of Kneading Technology

                  Products have been certified by ISO 9001 Quality System
                  Our kneading machine has uniform mixing, no dead angle and high kneading efficiency. It can be used in chemical industry, plastics, rubber, ink, carbon, medicine, food and other industries. It is an ideal equipment for kneading, mixing, crushing, dispersing and impulse polymerization of various chemical products.

                • 02

                  First-class kneading machine professional production brand company

                  Brand Guarantee, Export to the World
                  Our factory has advanced kneading machine production technology, the products sell well at home and abroad, professional production of high-grade kneading machine, to create a first-class international brand.

                • 03

                  Adhere to the business philosophy of "Quality First, Customer First"

                  Perfect service, worry-free after-sales
                  To meet customer quality and quality policy, to strive for excellence in professional pursuit and service, for the majority of customers.